Getting It Right with God

Jan 7, 2024    Rev. Wayne Gillespie

Have you ever wondered about what you need to do to get it right with God?

Most of us were taught that good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. Many religions teach us that our eternal destiny is in our own hands and that all we need to do is be "good" enough to make the cut. But that leaves some lingering questions unanswered: "How can we know when we've been good enough to earn our way into Heaven?" and "How can we be sure that we don't need to do just one more good thing to make it?" That can be a haunting question.

Pastor Wayne challenges us to think about how we can get it right with God in this week's message. His answer might be surprising to some, but the answer he provides is deeply rooted in the teaching of the Bible and of the Christian faith.