And the King shall reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me."
Matthew 25:40
Many people encounter challenges as they age, and some of them even become homebound. People who become homebound can experience feelings of loneliness and isolation as they navigate through a new chapter in their lives. And that’s why Jesus calls people to come together and to do their best, so that people don’t feel forgotten and abandoned as they age.
Caring Hearts and Hands is a ministry that embodies the spirit of compassion and empathy and that translates that spirit into acts of love and service. Volunteers gather once each month to share important news and to discuss ways that they can work together, so that those who are homebound do not feel like they have been forgotten. People who are served by this life-giving ministry receive:
The ministry of Caring Hearts and Hands may seem to be small in a world that is filled with so many overwhelming challenges and difficulties. But faithful volunteers, who join hands and serve in the church and in the community, remind other people that they are cherished, remembered, and valued even as they navigate through new and challenging chapters in their lives. Christ’s love is shown, perhaps to those who need to experience it the most, through the kindness of those who work together at Christ’s Lutheran Church to assure that people do not feel alone and forgotten as they age and face the challenges of being homebound.
If you would like some more information, or be a part of what's happening, please let us know.
Caring Hearts and Hands is a ministry that embodies the spirit of compassion and empathy and that translates that spirit into acts of love and service. Volunteers gather once each month to share important news and to discuss ways that they can work together, so that those who are homebound do not feel like they have been forgotten. People who are served by this life-giving ministry receive:
- Thoughtful cards and notes that are delivered to their doorstep and that bring a message of hope and encouragement into their homes.
- Heartwarming telephone calls from people who are willing to offer a listening ear and who want to engage in friendly conversations.
- Special meals that are lovingly prepared and delivered to nourish both their body and soul.
- Friendly visits that offer the gift of conversation and companionship; and that, ultimately, brings the presence of Jesus right into their homes.
The ministry of Caring Hearts and Hands may seem to be small in a world that is filled with so many overwhelming challenges and difficulties. But faithful volunteers, who join hands and serve in the church and in the community, remind other people that they are cherished, remembered, and valued even as they navigate through new and challenging chapters in their lives. Christ’s love is shown, perhaps to those who need to experience it the most, through the kindness of those who work together at Christ’s Lutheran Church to assure that people do not feel alone and forgotten as they age and face the challenges of being homebound.
If you would like some more information, or be a part of what's happening, please let us know.